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Do First Floor Apartments Get Robbed More:7 Ways To Make Your Home Burglar -Proof


Do First Floor Apartments Get Robbed More

Everyone is afraid of home invasions. That fear is amplified when you live on the first floor of an apartment building. 

Most people have heard stories about the neighbor who got robbed and how it happened because they lived on the first floor.

The first floor is always the easiest to break into. Burglars will gain entry through the doors and windows using a ladder or breaking down the door if not adequately secured.

This article looks into why first-floor apartments are easily robbed and ways to make your home burglar-proof.

Do First Floor Apartments Get Robbed More?

The answer to this question is a resounding yes. But how did we come to this conclusion? First-floor apartments have easy access points, which is why many prefer them in the first place.

However, this advantage may turn into a disadvantage when you don’t take measures to secure your apartment from burglary.

Why Are First Floor Apartments More Likely To Be Robbed?

There has been a lot of debate over the years about whether first-floor apartments get robbed more than upper-level apartments.

 Many factors come into play when assessing robbery rates, including 

  • Neighborhood; especially secluded neighborhoods
  • Income levels
  • The area’s crime rate
  • Unlocked entry points
  • Easy access for getaway vehicles

However, it’s not just about where your apartment is located; it’s also about how you live. 

For instance, if you live in a beautiful part of town with relatively low crime rates but leave all your windows open and your doors unlocked, you may be more susceptible to robberies than the person living above you who keeps all their entry points locked.

There are things you can do to lower your chances of being robbed so that you can live without fear of property damage or theft of personal items and valuables.

7 Ways To Protect Your First-Floor Apartment From Burglars

The reality is that it’s not that hard for burglars to get into first-floor apartments and townhouses. They can either break through the door or smash a window.

Burglars don’t choose houses at random. Burglars will look for places that appear to be unoccupied, and they will target homes with some level of perceived wealth. They also don’t like houses with alarms, security systems, or dogs.

According to the National Burglar and Fire Alarm Association, nearly 60% of burglars enter a home through an unlocked door or window and forced entry.

In most cases, the most effective way to protect your home from burglary is with a simple lock or chain on the door. 

1. Set Up A Security System!

To protect your belongings, you’ll need to install a security system for your first-floor apartment. 

Having a security system installed in your apartment is a good idea, especially if you live in an old building.

It is your best defense against thefts and vandalism in your apartment. It’s the most reliable way to protect your family and belongings.

Its recommended that you connect it with CCTV cameras and alarms. 

2. Install Alarms On Ground Floor Windows And Doors

If you live in an apartment, the chances are that your windows are ground-floor level or lower. 

This means that if someone wants to get into your apartment, they don’t need to break any windows or doors. They can walk onto your patio, open your window, and unlock the door.

To make matters worse, the people who live above you might not hear if someone breaks into your apartment at night. You want to make sure that doesn’t happen.

Installing alarms on ground floor windows and doors will allow you to sleep soundly, knowing that you are protected from intruders. You can buy simple systems for under $100.

When installing the system, make sure that it covers all ground-level entrances to your home. If you use a simple system with many sensors, be aware that you will have to replace the batteries every few months.

3. Use Timers For Lights And Movement Sensors For Outdoor Lighting

Motion sensors for outdoor light are great for deterring criminals looking to break into your house. Many burglars will check to see if the outside of the house is lit before breaking in, so motion sensors can help.

According to the Department of Justice, homes with timers for indoor lights are four times less likely to be burglarized than homes without them. Burglars are looking for easy targets, so you can make it more difficult for them.

If you have outdoor lighting, use light sensors to turn lights on when it gets dark outside. Light sensors are great at making sure that your home is well-lit when you are there but that it doesn’t have unnecessary lighting when it isn’t needed.

4. Keep Doors And Windows Locked At All Times

Your first-floor apartment door is most likely to be unoccupied in the morning when you leave for work. This is the ideal time for burglars to strike.

 People who use their home office space are more likely to walk away from their apartment without securing their doors because they are preoccupied with work.

Burglars tend to strike when people are not at home, so locking your apartment door when you leave is one of the best things you can do to protect your home. 

The first step is to make sure that you keep all of the doors and windows locked at all times. During vacation, someone should babysit the house or stop by and check up on it regularly.

Locking your door and windows is just the first step to protecting your belongings. The next crucial part is making sure that you keep door and window locks in good working order at all times. 

It’s not uncommon for old locks to be faulty or even completely missing. A simple lock installation will ensure that you don’t lose your home to an intruder.

5. Minimize The Number Of Valuables In Your Home By Storing Them In A Safe Deposit Box Or Bank Vault

The average burglar spends less than six minutes inside and so, therefore, makes it hard for them to find anything of value.

If you live in a first-floor apartment or a townhouse, and you’ve got valuables like jewelry and fine art in your home, you might want to think about storing them in a safe deposit box or a bank vault.

6. Get A Dog!

How about getting a well-trained dog to protect your first-floor apartment? This can be life-changing when you’re in one of the cities that has high crime rates.

The problem is solved by getting a dog that will bark at a newcomer. A dog like this will know when something is out of place and immediately begin protecting your property.

7. Make Your Home Look Occupied 

It’s a known fact that burglars prefer to target homes that appear unoccupied. Homes with cars in the driveway, lights on at night, and even laundry hanging out to dry all look like someone is home. 

There are other things you can do to make your home look occupied when you leave for extended periods;

  • One of the most obvious ways to make your home look occupied is to leave some lights on at night. Turning lights on in rooms that are typically dark will help give off the illusion that someone is in residence.
  • Use timers on lights and electronics. Use them to trick burglars into thinking that someone is inside.
  • Leave a radio or TV playing at low volume. You can use a simple remote control timer or set things up to automatically switch on when you aren’t there.
  • You may also want to ask a trusted neighbor or friend to do the look after your apartment.

You’d rather pay extra for the electric bill than lose all your valuables.

Robberies And Crime Statistics For Apartment Dwellers

  • CCTV cameras are the leading form of home security, closely followed by firearms, dogs, and security alarm systems.
  • According to statistics, every 1 in 4 US residents has a security alarm system.
  • 62% of the American people use some security system to protect their homes, while 38% do not use any, according to the latest 2021 state of the safety report.
  • Dogs are the most successful form of home security against robbery and any other crime.
  • Nearly 60% of convicted burglars reported that homes without installed security systems were easy targets to break into instead of homes that had security systems in place.
  • 12.5% of the people are present during home burglaries, and the risks of being a burglary victim are very slim.


Having a first-floor apartment is not a death sentence. The reality is that most of these robberies were from people who lived in high-rise apartments or condos. However, you can take several precautions to ensure your apartment isn’t an easy target for burglars.

In this article, we discussed some of the ways of protecting your first-floor apartment from burglars. Hopefully, this information will help you sleep better at night!

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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