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Natural Barriers – Using Plants to Increase Privacy, Security of Your Backyard

Image source: https://pixabay.com/photos/sunbed-garden-lawn-hedge-table-3394611/

Privacy and security are among the most important things to consider when designing your outdoor space. The easiest fix to privacy and security problems is erecting a wall around your outdoor space. 

However, if you love nature, a wall may not be so pleasing to the eye, so you could consider using natural barriers such as plants. Using plants as natural barriers can create a sense of enclosure and security while adding beauty and color to your backyard. 

This blog post offers tips on using different types of plants to increase the privacy and security of your backyard.

Plant a Hedge

Hedges are a great way to add privacy without sacrificing style. A hedge is a row of dense, evergreen shrubs that can be maintained in any shape you desire. If planted properly, hedges require minimal upkeep and can provide an effective barrier for years. 

When choosing plants for your hedge, you must go for species that grow fast, are tolerant of pruning, get bushy with trimming, and can withstand your local climate. 

Plants that do well as a hedge include boxwood, yew, photinia, cherry laurel, juniper, deciduous shrubs such as lilac and hawthorn, and flowering plants like roses and ornamental flowering shrubs. 

Plant Trees

Trees offer privacy and shade from the sun’s rays during the hot summer months. Popular choices for providing natural barriers include maple, dogwood, cedar, spruce, or cypress trees. 

Unlike hedges, trees are not bushy, meaning they may not be as effective at improving privacy and security as a hedge. But if you have a large space between your backyard and the outside world, a small forest can help hide your backyard from outsiders.


Vines are another great way to add privacy and security while still allowing some light through into your garden area. Vines are ideal for homeowners with little space in their backyard and do well where another fence is already installed. 

Vines can be trained along fences or trellises to create a living wall that provides an effective barrier between you and your neighbors. Some popular varieties include honeysuckle vines or ivy vines. 

Other perennial vines, such as wisteria or clematis, can also provide attractive cover if given enough room to climb up walls or trellises. The downside to using vines for a fence is that they are not long-lasting, so you may need to keep replanting.

Advantages of Having Natural Barriers for Your Home

A tree or hedge barrier does more than provide security, as it improves the aesthetics of a home. But probably the most significant advantage of planting natural barriers around your home is its impact on the value of a property. 

According to Arbor Day Foundation, having trees on any property can increase its value by up to 15%. So if you want to buy a property with fully grown trees, you should be ready to pay a little more than you would have to pay for one without. 

While you can pay outright for a property with trees, a mortgage is often a great option for such a large investment. However, when requesting a mortgage for a property purchase from any lender, you will want to consider various factors, including their interest rates, down payment requirements, payment periods, etc., to spot the best deal. 

Disadvantages of Having Plants as a Barrier 

While the advantages of having plants as a barrier to your home are evident, it is not without downsides. The main drawback to having a natural barrier is the cost of maintenance. If it is a hedge, you have to keep it trimmed. Otherwise, it will lose its appeal.

Trees may not need constant trimming, but you must prune them occasionally. However, they can become a nuisance when they shed their leaves, meaning you must keep removing the fallen leaves, which can be labor intensive. 

Lastly, a natural barrier may not be a quick fix for security or privacy problems since it takes time for plants to grow, especially trees, so a plant barrier is only an option for people willing to wait.

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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