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How To Remove Kitchen Faucet Without Basin Wrench: A Detailed Guide 


How To Remove Kitchen Faucet Without Basin Wrench

Is your kitchen faucet old and requiring a replacement?

Or perhaps, the water pressure has reduced, and you’re eager to fix the problem by yourself. You can replace an old kitchen faucet or fix a low-pressure problem by yourself. Just get a basin wrench, loosen it and get it done. 

Unfortunately, most people don’t have a basin wrench. The kitchen faucet isn’t something you change every day, so you can’t blame anyone for not having a basin wrench. 

The kitchen faucet is a crucial fixture in every home. It’s where you do your dishes, wash fruits, vegetables, fill bottles with water, and wash your hands, etc.

So, if the water pressure is low or the faucet is rusty, you can’t ignore it. Cooking will become an arduous task without the kitchen faucet. 

If you’re seeking tips on how to remove kitchen faucets with ease in the absence of a basin wrench, this post is for you. Just read from start to finish. 

Can You Remove Kitchen Faucet Without A Basin Wrench?

Yes, you can. But let’s be honest, using a basin wrench would make loosening and tightening the kitchen faucet much faster and easier.

However, not having a basin wrench doesn’t mean your kitchen faucet should remain in bad shape. You can fix the faucet without a basin wrench. Just follow the simple instructions in this post to the latter. 

What is a basin wrench? Most people might be asking this right now. And you can’t blame anyone for not knowing this tool because it’s not very common. 

Well, a basin wrench is a unique plumbing tool. It’s also known as a sink wrench. You can utilize it in a confined space or difficult angle to turn fasteners. 

This tool boasts a pivoting gripping head, sitting firmly at the end of a long handle. The basin wrench is specially constructed to get into awkward spaces like the one behind your sink. It loosens and tightens mounting nuts on the kitchen faucet. 

So, let’s assume you don’t have a basin wrench, and you need to fix your kitchen faucet. The truth is cooking will become tiring and challenging without the faucet working properly, most especially if you have just one in the kitchen. 

That’s why you need to fix your faucet. And to do that, follow this simple guide below. 

How To Remove Kitchen Faucet Without Basin Wrench

Any plumber would use a basin wrench to loosen your kitchen faucet. The tool makes the job quick and easy. But then, you’re not a plumber. So there’s a tendency that you don’t have a basin wrench. 

Not having a basin wrench doesn’t mean you can’t fix your kitchen faucet. There are several ways to remove faucets in the absence of this plumbing spanner. 

Let’s look at each of the steps in detail. 

Use a cable tie:

You probably know cable tie, also known as zip-tie. It’s a small toolbox accessory for attaching hubcaps and tidying up cables. But what many don’t know is that zip-tie can do more than that. 

Cable tie or zip-tie, as it’s fondly called, is an amazing multipurpose tool everyone should consider having in their camping supplies. You can use it to fix broken loop and hook on a tent. You can even use a zip-tie to get more traction on your slippery hikes.  

Another interesting thing is you can use a zip-tie in place of a spanner. Use it to remove your old kitchen faucet and get the new one on.  

So, how can you use the zip-tie to remove the kitchen faucet? It’s quite simple. 

The faucet has a nut holding it in place. Now, place your zip-tie around it, ensuring that it’s as tight as possible. 

Once you feel the zip-tie wrapped around the nut is tight enough, start pulling it. Just grab the tail and pull in any direction you want. You can tighten or loosen the nut. 

Try using duct tape:

Duct tape is another multipurpose accessory. You can use it to seal, patch holes, packing boxes, and other repairs. 

You will also find duct tapes that stick to uneven outdoor and indoor surfaces such as stone, wood, brick, plaster, and metal. So, you can use duct tape for a lot of situations, and it’s pocket-friendly too. 

 So, how can you use duct tape to remove the kitchen faucet?

The first good news is you can remove the kitchen faucet with duct tape. You can also tighten the nut holding your faucet in place with duct tape. 

Firstly, tear out some duct tape. 12 inches is enough length for this. Now proceed to the next stage. Tear the tape down the middle to have two 12-inch strips. 

Consider creating a strong strip. Stick the strips to the back. That is the non-sticky part. Your next move should be to wrap a portion of the strip around the faucet’s nut. 

After wrapping the nut, you should have a 6 to an 8-inch long tail. Please press the duct tape harder that it would stick to the nut holding the faucet in place. 

Alright, now that you have the duct tape around the metal nut, it’s time to loosen or tighten your kitchen faucet. Just start pulling the tail of the tape in the direction required to loosen or tighten it.  

In no time, you will see the nut coming off gradually. The only time you might encounter challenges when using this method is when the nut is rusty. But that isn’t always the case.  

Using two coins:

Money is now a makeshift tool. How come? That’s what could probably be going through your mind right now. 

You can use coins to loosen or tighten the nut holding your faucet in place. However, the question you should be asking right now is, how is this possible? Let’s find out. 

Firstly, get two coins. It should be the larger ones. And please remember that the pence coins are a wise choice for this.

Now, place both coins on the nut holding your kitchen faucet in place. It should be one coin on each side, opposite the other. 

Next is to grip both coins between your middle and index finger’s knuckles. And twist them in the direction to loosen or tighten the nut.  

How To Maintain Your Kitchen Faucet

A kitchen faucet does so much yet receives little to no care. It only gets the attention it deserves when there’s a problem. But that shouldn’t be the case. 

Maintaining and caring for your kitchen faucet can help you save money, time, and energy. Your faucet would last long and work efficiently.

So, how should you maintain or care for your kitchen faucet? Let’s discuss that. 

Do daily maintenance:

Cultivate the habit of cleaning your faucet daily, especially after each use. Use a damp cloth and a milder cleanser. Then dry with a clean, soft cloth. 

Always read the labels of cleansers before applying them to your faucet. Keep in mind that some cleaners may be too harsh and could damage your faucet’s finish. 

Some manufacturers recommend using furniture polish, as it can keep the finish intact. You can try it on your faucet too. 

Get rid of deposits:

If what you have in your area is hard water, you’re going to have challenges keeping your faucet in shape. Hard water contains huge mineral deposits. So there’s a possibility of lime buildup in your faucet. 

In this case, endeavor to clean up and remove possible lime deposits from your faucet from time to time. Use a mildly abrasive scrub or window cleaner. 

You can also use vinegar, as it’s a wise choice since it’s environmental-friendly. And consider the faucet’s finish using any cleaner. Please don’t use a cleaner that can damage its finish. 

Replace or clean the aerator:

Without an aerator, it won’t be possible for water to flow out of your faucet the way it does. The aerator mixes air and water to make your water flow the way it does. 

Aerators suffer the same debris and mineral buildup as other parts of the faucet. So, it requires maintenance too. Experts recommend cleaning aerators every year to keep them in top shape. 


If you’re seeking tips on how to remove a kitchen faucet without a basin wrench, you’re in the right place. One thing you mustn’t forget is that the basin wrench is built for this purpose. Therefore, it is much easier, and it would make the job faster. 

Unfortunately, not everyone has this tool at home. But that doesn’t mean you cannot loosen or tighten the nut holding your faucet in place. Just follow the tips highlighted in this post to get it done.   

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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