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How To Clean Soot Off Inside Of Fireplace


How To Clean Soot Off Inside Of Fireplace

Did you know that soot is not just the smoke that you see coming out of your fireplace? When you start a fire, it creates ash, which is what we typically think of as being left over after a fire. But that’s not all. There’s also soot, which is carbon and similar compounds produced when something burns. Soot can build up inside your fireplace and on its glass doors if they are exposed to heat and smoke frequently or for extended periods of time. Fortunately, cleaning soot from your fireplace or any other area where it has built up is not very challenging. Below, you will find helpful tips on how to clean soot off the inside of your fireplace.

How To Clean Soot Off Inside Of Fireplace

Mop it up

If there is only a thin layer of soot on your fireplace, then you may be able to remove it with a clean mop, sponge, or cloth. Start by opening all windows and doors to ventilate your home. Then, use a clean, moist, lint-free cloth or sponge to wipe down the inside of the fireplace and on the glass doors of your fireplace. If there are stubborn spots that won’t come off, you may have to repeat the process using a slightly damp sponge or cloth to lift off the soot. Be sure to wring the cloth or sponge out so that you don’t leave any puddles of water behind that would leave marks or water stains.

Mix baking soda and vinegar

Another option is to mix together cornstarch, baking soda, and vinegar to create a paste that you can apply to the soot and fireplace glass. Let the mixture sit for about 15 minutes before wiping it off with a damp cloth or sponge. Make sure you apply this mixture only to areas that are covered by the glass doors of your fireplace. Do not apply it to the rest of the inside of your fireplace because it will be difficult to clean it off.

Try dryer sheets

While a dryer sheet won’t actually get rid of the soot that’s built up inside your fireplace, it can help to trap it inside the glass doors of your fireplace so that it doesn’t fall back down onto the interior. To try this solution, take a dryer sheet and fold it in half. Then, open the folded dryer sheet and slide it between the glass doors of your fireplace. If you have a clean, folded hand towel that you can try instead of a dryer sheet, that may work better.

Baking soda, again

You can also try using baking soda to clean off soot from your fireplace. Start by opening the fireplace doors, and then pour a few scoops of baking soda on the floor of your fireplace. Next, light the baking soda on fire and let it burn for about five minutes. Once the fire is extinguished, brush off the ash that remains with a broom or a whisk broom to remove any remaining soot. Make sure you wear appropriate protective gear when performing this cleaning task to avoid getting burned. Because the soot is very fine, you may also wish to wear a respirator or eye goggles.


You can also use your vacuum to clean out soot from your fireplace. Make sure you start with a clean vacuum bag or container so that you aren’t just pushing the soot around in your fireplace and spreading it around more than it was before. Also, make sure that you don’t turn on the vacuum while the glass doors are open or while the fireplace is lit because this could cause sparks to fly out of your fireplace and damage your vacuum cleaner.

Avoid using harsh chemicals

Although there are many commercial products available that claim to remove soot from fireplaces, they may not be safe to use inside a home with children and pets. If you do choose to use one of these products, wear protective gear including long sleeves, gloves, and eye goggles when applying them. Be careful when using a chemical cleaner on an electric fireplace as well because some chemicals can eat away at electrical components over time.

Why You Should Clean Clean Soot Off Inside Of The Fireplace?

1) To remove the soot from your fireplace, you will want to start by first closing the fireplace doors.

2) You should then use a nylon brush or a whisk broom to remove any loose soot from inside the fireplace.

3) Next, use a vacuum cleaner to suck up any remaining soot and dust particles that are still inside of your fireplace.

4) You can also try using baking soda to clean off soot from your fireplace. Start by opening the fireplace doors and then pour a few scoops of baking soda on the floor of your fireplace. Next, light the baking soda on fire and let it burn for about five minutes. Once the fire is extinguished, brush off the ash that remains with a broom or a whisk broom to remove any remaining soot. Make sure you wear appropriate protective gear when performing this cleaning task to avoid getting burned. Because the soot is very fine, you may also wish to wear a respirator or eye goggles.

5) You can also try using dryer sheets or hand towels that have been folded in half as well as placing them between the glass doors of your fireplace if you want to help trap some of the smoke and dust inside of it without having it fall back down into your fireplace once it has cooled down after burning for a while.

6) Another way that you can clean out soot from the inside of your fireplace is by vacuuming up all of the loose debris and dust particles that are in there first, and then using a clean, damp rag to wipe up the remaining soot.

7) Once you have finished cleaning out your fireplace, you should also clean out your fireplace tools as well. You can do this by wiping them down with a wet rag and then letting them dry completely before storing them away until they are needed again.

8) If you are going to be using your fireplace again soon, you may want to consider buying a new set of fireplace tools since soot is hard on many types of materials.

9) You should also keep an eye on your fireplace screen to make sure that it does not get too dirty as well because if it does, it could become very difficult for the airflow to pass through it which will cause smoke to build up inside of your house instead of outside of it which is what you want for optimal fire safety.

10) If you notice that the soot from inside of your fireplace has settled on top of the outside bricks or hearthstone around the base of your fireplace, use a wet rag or sponge to wipe away any dirt or dust that has built up there as well.


Now that you know what soot is and how to clean it off the inside of your fireplace, you have no excuse when it comes to keeping your fireplace clean. Soot can easily be removed using any of the techniques listed above. Once you’ve cleaned your fireplace, you may also want to consider investing in a fireplace cleaner or polish to protect your fireplace and maintain its appearance for many years to come.


Q: What is the difference between soot and ash?

A: Soot is the fine black powder that is left behind after a fire has burned. Ash is what remains after the coals have turned to ashes. Soot and ash are often used interchangeably, but there are differences.

Q: What does soot smell like?

A: When you burn wood in your fireplace, it will release smoke which will have an odor to it as well as some of the materials that were in the wood may have an odor such as pine or cedar. The odor from soot smells like burnt paper and will linger for several days even if you clean out your fireplace completely.

Q: How do I clean my fireplace if it is really dirty?

A: If your fireplace has become really dirty with a lot of buildups, you should first remove all of the debris and larger pieces of ash in your fireplace before cleaning it out further. Then, use one of the methods listed above to clean out any remaining dust or soot that may be left behind after vacuuming up all of the larger pieces that were already there. You can also use a damp rag with water on it to wipe up any remaining dust or soot from inside of your fireplace as well.

Q: How can I prevent my chimney from getting dirty?

A: To prevent your chimney from getting dirty, you should always keep a small fire burning in it at all times while using an approved fireplace log or a chemical fire starter. This will prevent soot and debris from getting into your chimney and it will also help to keep your chimney clean well.

Q: How do I get rid of the smell of a fireplace?

A: The best way to get rid of the smell of a fireplace is by using an air purifier in the room where you have your fireplace. You can also purchase an electric candle that will burn for several hours at night and fill the room with its pleasant smell.

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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