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Are Water Filters Necessary For Your Home?


Are Water Filters Necessary For Your Home

What Is A Water Filter?

A water filter is a device that removes any pollutants from water in plain English. You might be wondering at this point what constitutes an impurity. An impurity is anything that isn’t water. While certain contaminants, like minerals and vitamins, are genuinely beneficial, others, like lead and arsenic, are just downright harmful.

A water filter will purify your water and make it safe to drink by eliminating germs, tiny sedimentary particles, inorganic substances, and even bad flavors. You’re essentially ingesting a deadly concoction of toxins that might potentially cause cancer if your water is not filtered.

Fortunately, there are several filters available that may get rid of a single or a group of toxins from water.

Water filters can eliminate all impurities, making your water supply cleaner and fresher than spring water. These contaminants range from bacteria and viruses to minerals and radioactive elements.

Yet not all water filters are made equally. Several levels of water filtration produce clean water. For instance, a cheap water pitcher will only remove little amounts of dirt, but a costly water distiller would completely purge the water of all impurities.

When To Use A Water Filter?

Many people just take for granted that the tap water they use is pure and safe, but this isn’t always the case. Even if tap water appears to be pure and tastes great, contaminants are frequently present. While certain contaminants are hazardous or can cause serious damage to fixtures and appliances, others are very safe.

Depending on the sorts of pollutants present in the water and how the residents of the household use water, different homes may require different levels of filtration. Cheap, under-sink carbon filters should work just fine if the water is comparatively clean and there aren’t many fixtures that are utilized for human consumption. On the other hand, a filtration system that can treat water throughout the house may be required if pollutants are present or if the water has a high mineral content.

Start by looking at these scenarios to establish your household’s needs for water filtration. If any of these apply to your household’s water condition, it’s probable that filtering your water might help your family as well as your appliances.

Water Tastes Bad Or Weird

Although municipal water systems typically do an excellent job of eliminating dangerous pollutants from tap water, some cities’ water just doesn’t taste good. Hard water is a problem in some areas of the nation that can influence flavor. Drinking water may be totally safe to drink, but if it has a lot of minerals or has been chlorinated, it may leave you with a terrible taste in your mouth.

Indeed, homes frequently purchase a water filter system due to tainted water. According to Karena Albers from WholeWorldWater, you should consider installing a carbon filtration system at your kitchen sink and distributing drinking water through a separate faucet if you want to enjoy the ease and pleasure of sipping a cool glass of water directly from the faucet.

House Was Built Before The 80s

It’s possible that some lead particles are leaking into your drinking water from lead-based pipes or from the lead solder used to seal joints on copper pipes if your home was constructed before 1986, the year when lead was outlawed for use in water supply pipes. Lead is a recognized toxin that puts people at risk for major health problems and is especially dangerous for kids under the age of six.

You Are On Well Water

Clean, safe water is produced by certain private wells. Private wells in many states have become polluted over the last few decades due to the extensive use of pesticides and other chemicals, and O’Brian points out that standard carbon filters won’t be able to get rid of some of the more harmful pollutants that may be present. While carbon filters are adequate for lighter-duty filtration of substances like lead and chlorine, a reverse osmosis (RO) system is required to ensure the removal of nitrates, pesticides, and heavy metals. Virtually all contaminants, including heavy metals and known carcinogens like arsenic and nitrate, will be eliminated by a reverse osmosis system, such the 3M Under-Sink Reverse Osmosis Water Filter System.

After Washing, Your Clothing Seems Dirty

Have you used every detergent on the market and are you still unable to make your colorful clothing stand out and keep your whites white? Your washer or detergent could not be the issue, but rather the water quality in your house. Hard water may make garments seem drab and gray, while water with a lot of iron can give light-colored clothing a rusty tint.

An under-sink filter is insufficient if either shade is frequently present on your freshly cleaned clothing. To get rid of the iron, minerals, silt, and other impurities that make garments seem dingy, you’ll need a whole-house water treatment system. You may enjoy better drinking water as well as cleaner, brighter clothes thanks to a whole-house filter that is installed on the main water supply pipe where it enters your home.

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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