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Pre-Moving Day Prep: The Key To Reducing Stress On The Big Day


Pre-Moving Day Prep

Moving is one of the most stressful things a person can do. Whether you are moving because of a new job, financial problems, or you bought a new house, many people move across the US. Data from Brookings shows that 8.7% of Americans moved homes across large distances in 2021-22.

Whether you’re moving across town or state lines, it’s normal to feel overwhelmed with all the details that go into packing and moving. However, some steps you can take will reduce the stress level on moving day and help ensure your belongings make it safely to their new home. This post will walk you through what those steps are. 

Create A Moving Checklist

Before you begin packing, create a moving checklist. This will help you stay organized and avoid forgetting critical tasks. You can use an app like Evernote or Google Keep to create your list or write it down on paper, whatever works best for you.

Your checklist should include sections for packing and unpacking, cleaning, last minute tasks like bills, mail, and other paperwork. If you are unsure what a moving checklist looks like or should include, do a basic Google search to find valuable resources online.

The search will get you results from reputed movers in the country. You can then compare different checklists and see which works best for you. Based on the research, you can then create your own checklist for moving to reduce stress and keep everything in control on a moving day.

Get Rid of Things You Don’t Need

Before you pack, take a moment to eliminate things you don’t need. This is an essential step in reducing stress on a moving day because it helps ensure that nothing gets left behind during the move.

Here are some ideas:

  • Donate items to charity. Your local Salvation Army or Goodwill will be happy to take anything that is still in good condition and can be reused by someone else. You can also ask them how they would prefer donations like clothing or household goods.
  • Sell items on eBay or Craigslist if they’re still in good condition and worth over $20. If not, throw them away. It’s better than having clutter taking up space in your new home when so many other things await their turn to be unpacked.

Moving can sometimes be costly, as a Forbes article shows that the average cost is around $1,400 for a move of fewer than 100 miles. And if you are constantly moving, it is wise to take steps to reduce the cost. One of the easiest ways to do that is by reducing the number of items to move.

Label Items

A label maker is the best way to label all your belongings. Label makers allow you to create custom labels for each item in your home, which means they can be customized to fit your needs. This can include information like:

  • Whether an item belongs in the garage or attic
  • Whether an item should be packed up and moved with you or stayed behind at your old house
  • Where something should be placed when it arrives at its new home

Packing and Organizing Your Belongings

You may be tempted to throw everything into boxes, leading to an unorganized move and lost items. Instead, ensure you have plenty of packing supplies on hand so that each item has its designated spot in the new home.

  • Use boxes: Buy a few extra-large moving boxes before moving day because they’re great for storing bulky items like bedding or pillows. You can also use them as seats when you’re sitting around waiting for your furniture movers.
  • Use clear plastic bags: These are ideal for small items like clothing hangers or toiletries that don’t need any special attention during transit just pop them into a baggie before packing up your belongings and put them somewhere safe until it’s time to load up the truck later on down the line.

Handling Logistics

If you’re moving, there are a lot of logistics to consider. How will your stuff get from point A to point B? Will it be by car, truck, or plane? And what about all those other details, like making sure someone can help unload the truck once it arrives at its destination?

One of the best ways to make sure all these questions get answered is by finding a moving company that will take care of them for you. This includes packing and transporting your belongings safely, along with providing an unpacking service when they arrive at their new home.

Moving professionals can handle end-to-end logistics, including loading and unloading items. That’s why many people hire moving services, leading to market growth. Moving services are doing quite well in the US and growing at a CAGR of 1.1%. There will be lots of options to choose from.

Another option is renting a storage unit until your new place is ready for occupancy. Some taxi companies specialize in transporting large items such as furniture or televisions from one apartment to another. These services often include complimentary blankets so nothing gets damaged during transit.

Taking Care of Yourself

  • Get enough sleep. Moving is exhausting, so getting as much rest as possible before the big day is essential.
  • Take a break. If you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed by all the preparations needed before moving day, take some time out for yourself, whether taking a walk around town or watching your favorite movie in pajamas with popcorn on the couch.
  • Stay hydrated and eat healthy foods throughout the week leading up until moving day so that when your body needs energy most, it has enough fuel available so as not to tire out too quickly during those crucial moments when everything seems like an uphill battle.

If you don’t care for your body, it can also lead to relocation stress syndrome. Many people suffer from this problem, leading to psychological stress and withdrawal from social activities. So, you need to guard against that as well.


When stressed, it’s easy to forget about taking care of ourselves. But to be your best on a moving day, you must take time beforehand. Get a massage or go for a walk around the neighborhood before packing up all of your belongings. This will help keep your mind clear and focused so that when it comes time to move them into their new homes, they’ll stay there.

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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