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Should You Install Security Systems In Your Apartment: 10 Reasons You Should


Should You Install Security Systems In Your Apartment

People often associate security systems with big, pricey homes. And this is understandable. Homes and other forms of real estate are liabilities. One of the few ways you can manage that liability is through getting a security system, to say nothing of what it can do for your family. 

Some people think that you and your family’s need for a security system lessens as your living space gets smaller. If you want to get technical, it is true that your chance of suffering a break-in is lesser in an apartment. But security systems cover more than just break-ins. 

So, let’s explore some of the things that a security system can do for you in an apartment.

Security Systems Spot Gas Too

Most alarms for security systems are either modifiers or replacements of existing smoke detectors. Not only are they usually more sensitive than those smoke detectors at detecting smoke, but they will also be able to sense things like carbon monoxide. 

Even if the air is not setting off an alarm, the system can give you info on how clean the air is. If you or one of your children have asthma, this can be a lifesaver for preparing you.

Medical Alert Device

While it is easy to imagine the question of alarm systems being asked by someone of middle age looking to take care of their family for the first time, it might also be asked by someone who has advanced medical needs. That might be someone who has chronic illness, or a senior. 

Regardless, this kind of person can make use of a security system as a fast-reacting alert system for medical emergencies. Its motion sensors as well as the panic button on the mobile app contribute to this unusual kind of security.

Fire Protection

The saying is that “where there is smoke, there is fire”. This is true, but that does not necessarily mean that where there is smoke, there is a smoke detector capable of registering that smoke. 

As we mentioned before alarm systems can replace obsolete smoke detectors. The smoke detectors they replace are usually old, low on batteries, and featuring limited reading capabilities. It is quite common for them to be tested and found totally dysfunctional. 

You probably want your smoke detector to be highly responsive. Security systems modernize them to be as responsive as they need to be to things like first.

Different Types of Fires

And not only will they respond quickly to fires, but security systems also have the ability to identify the different types of fire. This is important, as oil fires and electric fires require very different types of response than a normal ignition fire.\ 

They do this by cross-referencing materials in the area affected by the fire. You can input these materials beforehand, or you can allow the security system to collect this data itself.

Barometric Readings

The word “barometric” is rarely used outside spelling bees, so we will not blame you if you do not know that it means “related to the pressure in the air”. Specifically, it is often used to measure whether or not huge weather systems are coming in or going out of an area. 

Rapid changes in barometric activity can mean the approach of a storm, turning your security system into an early warning storm detection system. If you want, you can even program it to alert you to incoming tornados, if you live in the part of the country that worries about that.

Leak Protection

A different use of the security system’s ability to read pressure comes from the other direction. Rather than reading how the air pressure in the room or the outdoors affects it, the security system can read how much pressure is being acted upon it from the ceiling above. 

With this, as well as a few other sophisticated tools, one can actually identify leaks inside the walls and ceiling that are no bigger than a few centimeters. This can save you a ton of trouble from water damage.

Contributes To Insurance Claims

We mentioned the enhanced liability provided by security systems. The reason for that is not only that they prevent damage, but also that they record damages. By doing this, they establish causality between something bad happening and you, the insured party on a property.

Insurance providers will do anything they can to avoid paying out their money. Security systems make it very difficult to avoid it, as they carry indisputable data to back up your claims.

Child Monitoring

Because they sometimes come with cameras and oftentimes come with microphones, many security systems can be used as advanced baby monitors. This is the domain of many parents who want to make sure their kids are behaving safely and properly while the parent works.

Faster Response To Emergencies

Whether it is because of a panic button or because of an automated alert being sent out, security systems make it far more likely that an emergency will actually result in the emergency services being called. Now, let’s be honest. This will be a con rather than a pro for some people. 

But for the people who need it, this will be a (sometimes literal) lifesaver.

Protects Against Intruders

And yes, while this is less of a threat than when you live in a home, this is still a threat. Intruders, particularly burglars, usually flee at the first sign of trouble. And nothing is more troubling to a burglar than an alarm that indicates that the police are already on their way.

Just this simple step can make a break-in far less likely to advance to a damaging step, making the security system instantly validate its own existence.


Security systems for apartments can feel like overkill. But if you have expensive electronics or live in a bad area, or suffer from any number of other unpredictable circumstances, then security systems can give you a peace of mind that you cannot get anywhere else.

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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