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SUV Surge Causing Diesel Drop To Stall

SUV Surge Causing Diesel Drop To Stall

The surge in petrol-guzzling SUVs has caused carbon emissions from petrol and diesel cars to plateau. Although electric and hybrid vehicles have gained popularity, the issue of polluting vehicles continues to pose challenges, especially in developed nations. As SUVs, which emit more carbon dioxide (CO2) per kilometre than other vehicles, become increasingly popular, the emission gains from the shift to diesel and hybrid models undermine the efforts to reduce emissions.

Possible, a climate charity, conducted a report that reveals an interesting finding: older cars from 2013, which are still in use today, generally have lower CO2 emissions than newly purchased petrol or diesel cars in 2023. Urban areas, particularly popular ones like Kensington and Chelsea, are experiencing an alarming increase in greenhouse gas emissions from fossil-fuelled cars. A considerable amount of these emissions originates from large SUVs, vehicles primarily intended for off-road usage. Seventy-five per cent of new SUVs and 67% of all large SUVs purchased in the UK are registered to urban addresses. This raises concerns about the environmental impact of these vehicles, given their high emissions and urban-focused usage.

The report highlights that SUVs have become the preferred choice for affluent households due to a concerted effort by the automotive industry to encourage the purchase of larger, more substantial vehicles. This trend has led to SUVs commanding a significant 40% market share of new car sales in the UK.

New data from the Department for Transport reveals that the decline in average CO2 emissions of newly sold cars in the UK is solely due to the increasing popularity of electric vehicles (EVs). Additionally, the analysis suggests that the sales price of traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) cars in the UK is directly related to their greenhouse gas emissions, with higher-priced cars having a greater climate impact.

To make matters worse, the increasing popularity of petrol vehicles has offset the progress made in reducing diesel emissions by implementing stricter EU regulations. As we know, diesel engines emit particulate matter, which contributes significantly to air pollution in urban areas. 

The automotive industry is a key driving force behind the increasing popularity of SUVs. SUVs tend to generate higher profits for car manufacturers, encouraging them to invest more in their production. Consumer tastes and preferences have also played a role, with many people opting for larger cars for safety reasons and perceived status. Car manufacturers must adapt their product lines to cater to eco-conscious consumers and support global environmental objectives, helping create a balance between market demands and the importance of environmental sustainability.

One of the factors that delay these environmental goals is defeat devices. These devices cheat emission tests, allowing diesel vehicles to appear more environmentally friendly than they are. Using these devices has led to significant fines for automakers, with companies such as Volkswagen paying billions in penalties in recent years. However, it is worth noting that not all diesel vehicles are created equal. Many modern diesel engines are much cleaner and more efficient than gasoline engines, with lower emissions when driven under real-world conditions. For this reason, some analysts argue that the diesel market could still recover, given that diesel engines are an important tool in reducing carbon emissions from transportation.

Despite the challenges posed by the rise of SUVs, there is still hope for reducing global carbon emissions. Electric vehicles represent an opportunity to tackle this problem. With ongoing advancements in electric vehicle technology, the affordability and reliability of electric cars are set to increase. Moreover, governments around the world, both national and regional, are investing in electric vehicle infrastructure to encourage the usage of cleaner modes of transportation. By making electric cars more accessible to the public, the surge in SUV usage could be countered.

Another way to tackle the issue is to hold car manufacturers accountable for their environmental impact. This includes filing diesel emissions claims against companies that fail to meet the required emission standards and deliberately deceive consumers with false claims. Diesel claims serve as a legal avenue for consumers to enforce car manufacturers’ responsibility for their environmental effects. Claimexperts.co.uk provides a comprehensive overview of the process, offering further insights into diesel emissions and the intricacies of the claims procedure.

The surge in SUVs worldwide has caused a significant increase in carbon emissions, leading to a drop in diesel consumption and emissions. Automakers must place a greater emphasis on the advancement and manufacture of compact, fuel-efficient vehicles while also exploring the creation and production of electric cars. This strategic approach will minimise their ecological impact and meet the growing need for environmentally friendly and energy-efficient transportation. The actions taken within the automotive industry in the coming years will significantly impact the environment and climate, making it critical for all stakeholders, including automakers and consumers, to consider the long-term environmental impact of their choices.

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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