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Can You Add An Agitator To A Washing Machine? Exploring The Possibilities


Can You Add an Agitator to a Washing Machine

Washing machines have become an essential appliance in our homes, providing convenience and efficiency when it comes to cleaning our clothes. However, as technology advances, the design and features of washing machines continue to evolve. One component that has undergone changes over the years is the agitator, the mechanism responsible for agitating and moving the clothes during the wash cycle. But what if your washing machine doesn’t have an agitator? Can you add one yourself? In this blog post, we will dive into the topic and explore the possibilities of adding an agitator to a washing machine. We’ll discuss the benefits of having an agitator, the steps involved in adding one, considerations to keep in mind, and alternative options available. So, if you’re curious about the potential of enhancing your washing machine’s cleaning power, read on to find out more!

Can You Add an Agitator to a Washing Machine? 

Yes, you can add an agitator to a washing machine. In fact, many washing machines come with an agitator already installed. Agitators are a common feature in top-load washers. An agitator is a spinning mechanism in the center of the washer drum that helps move the clothes around during washing. If your washer is a front-load model without an agitator, you can purchase an agitator kit to upgrade your washing machine.

What Is An Agitator?

An agitator in a washing machine is a mechanism located in the center of the drum or tub. It consists of a spindle with fins or paddles that rotate, creating a back-and-forth motion. The primary purpose of an agitator is to facilitate the movement of clothes, helping to dislodge dirt and stains through the mechanical action of agitation.

Benefits Of Having An Agitator In A Washing Machine

  • Improved cleaning efficiency: The agitator’s rotational motion creates turbulence in the water, enhancing the washing process and ensuring better cleaning results.
  • Better stain removal: The agitator’s movement aids in loosening stubborn stains from fabric fibers, increasing the chances of effective stain removal.
  • Handling bulky items: Agitators are particularly helpful when washing large or bulky items like bedding or comforters, as they help prevent tangling and ensure even cleaning.
  • Shorter wash cycles: With an agitator, you may experience shorter wash cycles as the mechanical action of agitation speeds up the cleaning process.
  • Cost-effective: Washing machines with agitators are generally more affordable compared to other types of washers, making them a budget-friendly option.

Can You Add An Agitator To A Washing Machine?

The addition of an agitator to a washing machine depends on the model and its design, but manufacturers have shifted towards alternative technologies such as impellers or pulsators for efficient cleaning without the need for an agitator.

The agitator in a washing machine improves the cleaning efficiency by creating turbulence in the water and increasing contact between the water and clothes. It is particularly useful when washing bulky items, and reduces the wash cycle time. Additionally, it is more affordable than other types of washers, making them a cost-effective choice for many households.

It is unlikely to be possible to retrofit an agitator into a washing machine that wasn’t originally designed to accommodate one, so it’s important to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines and product manual to determine if it allows for modifications.

Research your machine’s compatibility, gather necessary tools, disconnect the power and water supply, remove existing components, install an agitator, test machine functionality, and consult a professional for guidance.

Steps To Add An Agitator To A Washing Machine

If you happen to own an older washing machine model that allows for agitator modifications, here are the general steps to follow:

  1. Research your washing machine model: Begin by researching your specific washing machine model to determine if it allows for agitator modifications. Check the manufacturer’s manual or website for information on compatibility and any specific instructions.
  2. Gather the necessary tools: Collect the tools you’ll need for the installation process. This typically includes a screwdriver, wrench, pliers, and any other tools recommended by the manufacturer.
  3. Disconnect power and water supply: Before making any modifications, ensure the washing machine is completely disconnected from the power source. Unplug the machine and turn off the water supply by shutting off the valves.
  4. Remove the existing components: Depending on your washing machine model, you may need to remove certain components to make way for the agitator. Common components to remove include the central cap, retaining nut, and any obstructions that prevent access to the center of the drum.
  5. Install the agitator: Align the new agitator with the spindle in the center of the drum. Secure it in place according to the manufacturer’s instructions, ensuring a tight and stable fit. Reassemble any components that were removed during the process.

Remember to consult the manufacturer’s guidelines throughout the installation process to ensure you follow the specific instructions for your washing machine model. After installation, test the washing machine to ensure the agitator functions properly. If you encounter any difficulties or are unsure about the process, it’s always recommended to seek professional assistance or contact the manufacturer for further guidance.

Considerations Before Adding An Agitator

When contemplating the addition of an agitator to your washing machine, there are several important considerations to keep in mind:

Warranty implications

Adding an agitator to your washing machine may void any existing warranties. It is crucial to review the warranty terms and conditions provided by the manufacturer before proceeding with any modifications. Understanding the potential impact on warranty coverage will help you make an informed decision.

Compatibility and safety

Ensure that your washing machine is compatible with agitator modifications and that the addition of an agitator does not compromise the safety or functionality of the machine. Some washing machines are designed specifically for agitator-free operation, and attempting to retrofit an agitator could result in operational issues or even damage to the machine.

Professional assistance

Adding an agitator to a washing machine can be a complex task that requires a good understanding of the machine’s internal mechanisms. If you are unsure about the installation process or your washing machine’s compatibility, it is advisable to seek the assistance of a professional technician who specializes in appliance modifications. They can provide expert guidance and ensure that the modification is carried out correctly and safely.

Long-term maintenance

Consider the long-term maintenance and upkeep required for a washing machine with an added agitator. Agitators can accumulate debris and lint over time, leading to potential clogs or reduced performance. Ensure that you are prepared to regularly clean and maintain the agitator to ensure its proper functioning and longevity.

Exploring alternative options

Before deciding to add an agitator, explore alternative washing machine options that incorporate different cleaning technologies. Impeller or pulsator machines, for example, offer efficient cleaning without the need for a traditional agitator. Front-loading washing machines are another alternative that relies on a tumble action for cleaning. Assess your laundry needs and consider whether these alternatives may be a better fit for your requirements.

By considering these factors before adding an agitator to your washing machine, you can make an informed decision that aligns with your needs, ensures machine compatibility, and maintains warranty coverage if applicable.

Alternative Options To An Agitator

If your washing machine doesn’t support agitator modifications or you prefer alternative washing methods, consider these options:

Impeller or pulsator washing machines: These machines use a different mechanism, typically a rotating disc or pulsating water jets, to agitate the clothes and achieve effective cleaning.

Front-loading washing machines: Front-loaders use a tumble action instead of an agitator, relying on gravity and the rotation of the drum to clean the clothes.

Handwashing or soaking: For delicate garments or items that require special care, handwashing or soaking them in a tub with appropriate detergents can be a viable alternative.


Adding an agitator to a washing machine is generally not possible for most modern models, as manufacturers have moved away from this design. While agitators offer benefits such as improved cleaning efficiency and better stain removal, alternative options like impeller or pulsator machines, as well as front-loading washers, provide effective cleaning solutions. Before attempting any modifications to your washing machine, always consult the manufacturer’s guidelines and consider professional assistance to ensure compatibility and safety.

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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