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The Pros And Cons Of Staking Tomato Plants


The Pros And Cons Of Staking Tomato Plants

You’ve probably stumbled upon staked tomato plants or seen them in this updated blog post. Why would you want to stake your tomato plants? It seems like a lot of work, and many people might think they’re better off not staking their plants at all. Well, that’s not exactly the truth, as you’re about to find out.

What Does It Mean When People Say “Staking Tomato Plants”?

Staking plants usually means keeping wooden sticks or rods tied to your tomato plants straight. Some people also use cages or even trellises.

Why Do People Stake Tomato Plants?

As you can probably imagine, tomatoes can weigh down a plant. You might have even seen tomatoes so heavy that they touch the ground. A tomato plant can’t keep off the ground because they’re too heavy. So, if you’re tomatoes are on the ground for too long, it can cause them to rot and also cause severe damage to the plant itself.

Here Are The Pros Of Staking Tomato Plants

You give your tomato plants a fighting shot. Yes, it sounds odd, but the odds can be stacked against your tomato plants. Your entire crop of tomatoes can be ruined if they spend days or weeks lying on the ground.

You can easily reduce the risk of diseases like blight and fungus caused when tomatoes and their leaves are resting on damp soil. Blight is one of those things that can severely impact your harvest; the easiest way to prevent it is by making sure your tomatoes don’t touch the ground.

Your tomatoes will be cleaner and more delicious if the plant doesn’t have to fight off pests constantly. Your tomato plants hate stress; nothing is more stressful than insects munching on their leaves. All that wasted energy will cause your tomatoes to be less than stellar, and the result will speak for itself.

Also, tomatoes that are staked are easier to harvest. You don’t have to bend down so much, which is good news if you have a bad back. Also, if you have a lot of tomatoes to harvest, all that bending over can number on your lower back.

Here Are The Cons Of Staking Tomato Plants

You risk damaging your tomato plants if you don’t know how to stake them properly. Tomatoes are hearty plants, but you can also easily damage them. All it takes is one wrong move, and you’ve done irreparable damage.

Stakes tomato plants can be costly if you use cages. You can avoid the cost by using tree branches that have fallen in your yard. You could ask neighbors if you can grab their tree branches if you see any that have fallen down. Tree branches are free, but your neighbors might think you’re a bit odd for asking for them if they’re not gardeners.

Staking also takes time, and some people don’t have it to spare. If you don’t have the time to stake your tomatoes, you should plant varieties that don’t require staking. Ask your local gardening center or do a quick Google search to find varieties that don’t require staking.

Should You Stake Your Tomatoes?

Well, that’s all up to you. Some of you reading this will have the time and resources to stake your tomatoes; if that’s the case, you probably should go ahead and do it. If you don’t, like said previously, plant varieties that don’t require staking, and it’s one last thing you’ll need to worry about.

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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