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Can You Eat Coffee Beans: Read What We Discovered


Can You Eat Coffee Beans

If you’re a coffee fan, then you must have thought about taking your coffee addiction a level higher. Coffee refreshes the body and mind. It comes packed with caffeine, which can give you a surge in energy.

Besides physical energy, caffeine can boost your mental alertness. It’s also well-tolerated and absorbed by the body.

As a natural stimulant, caffeine’s effect is on our nervous system. You’ll feel its short-term effects 5 to 30 minutes after consumption.

However, the popular way many consume their coffee is by brewing. Most people don’t find coffee bean consumption pleasant. So here’s the question.

Can You Eat Coffee Beans?    

Yes, why not? Before humans developed knowledge on how to brew coffee from its beans, how were they consuming it? They ate the beans. Coffee beans are still coffee. The brewing only helps transfer the aroma, flavor, and beans’ constituents into the hot water.

So, are coffee beans safe to consume? Yes, they are. They come packed with a massive amount of caffeine and antioxidant, which are beneficial to the body. Caffeine not only boosts energy it also increases one’s mental alertness.

The antioxidant helps to tame free radicals, which, if left to act, can cause people to develop several chronic diseases.

So, it’s safe to consume coffee beans, as it has enormous health benefits. However, do not consume too much. Eat coffee beans in moderation.

We have answered the question, but there’s more on coffee beans consumption that you need to know. Just keep on reading!

Why Is Consuming Coffee Beans In Excess Bad? 

It’s okay to eat coffee beans. We have already made this point clear. The only issue is the number of coffee beans one should consume daily.

You can’t consume excess coffee beans for diverse reasons too. Now here’s the question; why is excess coffee beans consumption a poor decision?

First and foremost, understand that raw coffee beans’ nutrient is highly concentrated than when brewed. The brewing makes the nutrient in coffee beans less concentrated. That’s what you should know.

The high nutrient concentration in the coffee beans makes consuming excess amounts an increased risk. Therefore, you have to be extremely careful.

Consuming too many coffee beans can lead to several adverse effects. Check them out below.

  • Heartburn
  • Anxiety
  • Stomach upset
  • Sleep problems
  • High cholesterol
  • Increased heart rate
  • Pregnancy complications
  • Increased bowel movements

If you’re breastfeeding or pregnant, be mindful of the number of coffee beans you consume daily. The caffeine in mothers breastfeeding can increase astronomically after consuming a tiny amount of coffee beans. Mothers can also pass the caffeine on via breast milk to their babies.

The excess coffee can also contribute to pregnancy complications, endangering the mother and unborn child’s lives.

Regardless of how you consider it, don’t consume excess coffee beans. It doesn’t matter if you’re healthy or not.

Furthermore, if you have a medical history that limits your caffeine intake, only consume a meager amount of coffee beans. You can get all your caffeine needs from a handful of coffee beans.

How Much Coffee Beans Should You Consume Per Day?

To keep the beans’ consumption under control, you need to understand how much of the beans you can consume daily.

But first, let’s answer this question. How many beans can produce an average human-size cup of coffee?

Well, you would require approximately 70 coffee beans for that. However, have in mind that you have to determine coffee ratios by rate.

Furthermore, the number of coffee beans one can safely consume depends on caffeine’s safe level.

Mind you; caffeine tolerance varies from person to person. Nevertheless, a single dose of approximately 200mg to 400 mg daily is safe for adults.

A Handy Tip: A caffeine dosage of 200 to 400 mg equals approximately 4 cups of coffee.

Ways To Consume Your Coffee Beans

Are there other ways to eat coffee beans? Yes, there are. And knowing them can make consuming the seeds less tiring.

Variety is the spice of life. So, if you’re a coffee beans eater, here are diverse ways to spice things up.

Consume the green raw coffee beans: 

Have you tried consuming green coffee beans? If no, know that you’re missing something big. Coffee bean’s health benefits are well-documented. But do you know that the fresh green beans come packed with an enormous amount of nutrients? Of course, they do.

You can consume green coffee beans raw. Eat them the same way you consume other edible seeds. Seasoning and cooking is another possible way of eating coffee beans.

What about grinding and incorporating the coffee beans in a healthy shake? That’s another creative and enjoyable way of consuming coffee beans.

There’s also coffee flour, which is just like the regular flour used for baking. You can use it for baking a range of food. The flour comes packed with potassium, antioxidants, fiber, and protein, making it a wise choice for those seeking a healthy diet.

A Handy Tip: Green coffee beans are the hardest. So, get ready to spend some more time chewing them. But besides the hardness, green coffee beans come packed with a great deal of fiber and antioxidants, which the body needs.

Coffee beans covered in chocolate:

Have you consumed chocolate-covered coffee beans? It’s a great combination, and it tastes good.

You can coat the coffee beans in any chocolate flavor of choice. These include milk chocolate, dark chocolate, and even white chocolate.

By consuming chocolate-covered coffee beans, you’ll receive twice as much energy boost when consuming only the seed.

A Handy Tip: The coffee seed is naturally not sweet. It has a bitter taste, which the chocolate can’t mask completely.

Coffee cherries plus Kona beans recipe:

Are you aware that coffee is also a superfood? It’s suitable for consumption and great one’s health.

Besides the seed, coffee cherries are pretty nutritious and beneficial to one’s health. The cherries are the ripe fruits, which the coffee beans are gotten from.

In Hawaii, Kona has become a popular food source. Tons of companies now use the whole coffee fruit (the cherries and beans) to produce a range of consumables. These include flours, foods, and beverages.

Arabica roasted coffee beans:

What’s your reason for consuming coffee beans? Is it for weight management, boost energy levels or increase fiber intake? If yes, the whole Arabica coffee beans (lightly roasted) are a wise choice. These coffee beans boast a mild flavor and are the sweetest.

You can combine Arabica coffee beans with other foods. Chocolate-covered Arabica roasted coffee beans are a delicacy for many.

A Handy Tip: If you’re planning to lose weight, desist from chocolate-coated coffee beans. It contains sugar, and that could contribute to weight gain over time. If you want to combine coffee beans with chocolate, opt for dark chocolate instead.


So, can you eat coffee beans? That’s the question answered in this post. The answer is yes; you can consume coffee beans. But you must ensure you don’t overeat them. The raw beans have a higher concentration of caffeine and other constituents. Therefore, a handful of coffee beans would give your body excess caffeine.

There are also diverse ways to consume coffee beans. You can decide to eat just the green coffee bean alone, combine it with other foods, blend and mix with a healthy shake or cover it with your favorite chocolate.

However, the primary thing is ensuring that you don’t consume excess caffeine. Don’t exceed the recommended amount of beans you can consume per day. The side effects of consuming too many beans can be very uncomfortable. You don’t want to experience that.

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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