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4 Possible Causes Of A Cold Home


Possible Causes Of A Cold Home

If your house feels cold no matter how much you turn up the heat, close the windows, or snuggle into a blanket, you might be scratching your head about what is causing the unwanted chill. 

Don’t accept that a cold home is the norm for your property, as you can make one or more changes to create a warmer environment. However, you must identify the issue behind its chilly temperature to introduce the best solution. Here are four possible causes of a cold home.

1. Inefficient Radiators

Warming up a room in the home might be as simple as moving a sofa, curtains, or an item of furniture away from a radiator, as it might be stopping heat from spreading across the space. However, you might have no choice but to replace the radiators altogether if it fails to produce much heat. Also, your property could benefit from one or more additional radiators to create a cozier environment for you and your loved ones. Many styles are available to suit various tastes, budgets, and interior designs, such as space-saving horizontal column radiators that are often popular with many homeowners.

2. Poor Attic and Wall Insulation

If your radiators are working efficiently, the next step is to pinpoint where your property is losing heat. Heat loss from the roof and walls is a common issue, especially in older homes.

Improving the property’s insulation could transform its temperature. For instance, attic insulation can stop heat from escaping as it rises, helping it remain inside the home. Also, you can prevent it from escaping from the walls with cavity loft insulation. 

It is an expensive home improvement, but you could reduce its price tag by installing rolls of insulation foam yourself into your attic. However, you must ensure you wear protective clothing and accessories, such as:

  • Goggles
  • A face mask
  • Gloves

Also, if you install insulation yourself, you must leave gaps around the property’s eaves to prevent condensation from developing.

3. Tiny Drafts Across the Property

Small drafts can make a big difference to your property’s temperature and your general comfort. If you have noticed your house feels chillier than usual, it could be due to small cracks allowing heat to escape and cold air to flow in.

For example, you might need to add a keyhole cover, caulk your windows and doors, or fit a draft excluding brush on your front door. Also, you could make a room warmer by laying down a draft excluder when an internal door is closed.

4. A Faulty Furnace or Boiler

A faulty furnace, heat pump, or boiler might be to blame for your cold property. For instance, a boiler might fail to heat the water in your home efficiently, which may prevent your radiators from working efficiently. If you suspect a faulty boiler, furnace, or heat pump is the cause of your cold home throughout the year, reach out to a gas engineer for a repair or replacement. If you aren’t sure whether this is the cause or not, getting a professional to look over this is recommended. Make sure you select someone you believe will be truthful about the state of your boiler or furnace. 

Jacob Lindsey

Jacob is a home remodeling guru having worked over 15 years in construction in Reno, NV, mainly focused on home renovations. He likes taking ideas from his clients and making them a reality.

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